Pre-requisite: Already completed Reiki I (bring Reiki I certificate) and have been practicing Reiki consistently for a month or more. A minimum 21 day Self-Reiki Healing Practice.
Reiki Level II is for Reiki students that want to go deeper into their practice or to begin delivering Reiki treatments professionally.. You will learn the three Reiki sacred healing symbols: Power, Emotional, Mental and Distant healing that bring increased Reiki energy. As you connect to intention and continue the flow of Ki, energy that’s no longer serving you is released and you become an even stronger vessel for Reiki.
Classes are maxed at 6 students per training to keep the group small. Reiki 2 training takes a 1-2 days depending on the final size of the group. On average it takes 8-12 hours to complete.
What will you receive:
• Attunements
• Manual for Reiki
• Reiki II certificate
Lunch, closed water bottle, journal or notebook.
To complete the full course, you will have to complete:
• A 1 full-day course
• 2x Reiki practice sessions (60 minutes each)
This certification class is a combination of lecture, discussion and hands on practice experience. Additional practice after class is necessary to gain the experience and confidence you need to embrace the Reiki Level II training and becoming a Reiki practitioner. The instruction includes some or all of the following:
• Discussion: First Degree review of hand positions, content and treatment experiences.
• Reiki attunement to level II.
• Three Reiki symbols and mantras for power, mental, emotional and distance healing.
• Learning in depth the meaning and use of the tree Reiki II symbols.
• Learn how to draw the symbols, write the names of the symbols and give their purpose.
• Send distance Reiki for specific healing.
• Using each of the three symbols for specific healing.
• Learn the “Hayashi Healing Guide”and “Japanese Reiki Techniques”.
• Learn the Gassho Meditation, Byosen Scanning, Kenyoku techniques.
• Learn the Koki-ho, Gyoshi-ho, Jachi-Kiri-Joka-ho and Enkaku Chiryo Reiki techniques
• Experience the increased flow of the Reiki after attunement.
• Learn the Reiki step by step formula for using the symbols in Reiki long distance.
• Practice absentia Reiki during the class. Learn the surrogates distant focusing.
• Learn how to incorporate Reiki II in your daily life.
• Access a deeper level of healing capability than you gained in Reiki Level I.
• Deepen your knowledge of Reiki from a Western and Japanese perspective.
• Gain confidence and competence as Reiki Level II practitioner.
Group class
2 or more $333
Private class
Individual $555
Zoom $255
To schedule a private class contact Claudia at .
Transfer, Reschedule, and Cancellation Policy
Tuition is non-refundable, but if circumstances prevent you from attending after registration you may apply the tuition to a future class or workshop. Tuition can also be transferred to another person if they have fulfilled any applicable prerequisites, (ie. Reiki 1/Reiki 2 for the following level). Transfers and rescheduling to a future class date are permitted up until 7 days before class date. Cancellations or transfers with less than 7 days notice will be charged an $50 fee. No shows to class will forfeit all tuition paid.